Thursday, January 15, 2009

Scout - our Elf on the Shelf

This is from before Christmas and obviously it is the morning after a night that Scout was misbehaving. It looks like he was raiding the candy bars from the fridge. Silly Scout.
Every night he went back to Santa to report if the girls had been good or bad and every morning we had to find him hidden somewhere. He got up to all sorts of stuff - hanging from blinds, sitting in cupboards, hanging off pictures. And, each and every morning Romay got freaked out by him and screamed when she first saw him. The others were cool about it and tended to have conversations with the Elf.
He must have put in a good word for us because the girls all got what the requested from Santa.
Now, if we can just keep the good behavior up and avoid a visit from Vinnie the Repo Elf - all will be good.

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